Pleasure by Ninja Thyberg

Watching the movie along with Art Facilitator and educator Olga Murphy and discussing it.

This was interesting, I had heard a bit about the movie and was interested in watching and then discussing it so Olga and I had a go. Neither of us has a film background but I actually thought that was good as I sort of wanted to take it from the perspective we have (which is not just an art one but) as parents. The film was beautifully shot with an interesting colourful girlishness to it that reminded me of the photographs of Maisie Cousins. The fact that everyone involved was really from the industry (except the main character actress) and that Thyberg, the director had spent so much time researching and immersing herself in the world of the LA porn scene made this film feel like so much more than either a glossy retelling or judgemental voyeuristic watch. It’s worth a watch and opens up so many interesting conversations

On a more practical level this was also an exercise in learning to record a conversation and think about format etc. It went well and I really enjoyed it so if nothing else it was fun!

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